Man today has been so borderline disasterous. Forgive how incohesive this must be, but I have to rant before I can get back to work. Read this "superfast" - because that's how everything is coming out of my mouth right now. Uncontrollably. Making up for lost time or something.
First I woke up with 13 min to get ready and out the door.
Then I realize it's pouring. Like really really raining. And cold. And I don't have my umbrella.
Then I realize my CTA card (which is linked to my credit card) is missing.
Almost got hit by a left turning car while crossing the intersection on walk to the bus. Seriously, they brushed the bag I was carring. Jesus.
Stood in the rain for 15 min waiting for the bus. CTA bus tracker via phone is malfunctioning, so I don't know if or when the bus is even coming.
4 min before my train is scheduled to arrive, I give up & get in a cab ....just as the bus pulls up to the stop. But, you know, we're pulling away and I'm already committed to the $7 cab ride to the train. And I HAVE to make this train because my car is out in the burbs and this is my only chance to get to work today.
Got real into working on the train ride and almost missed my stop. Got into work. Set up computer.
Get back up and bundle up again. Leave to take car to car doctor for 10:00 appointment. Of course the freaking grinding noise in question is not happening today!!
BUT... at least by the time I got my car to the dealership it still had FIVE MILES left before it went off warranty. So that's pretty great, but again, borderline nuts. And at least the dealership has a sense of humor about it.
And at least I have my rubber boots on. So the only dry part about me is my feet. But hey, dry feet!
And at least I didn't poop myself when I almost got runned over by that car.
And at least I didn't get fully runned over by that car.
Oh and great. My computer just installed a new version of Office on itself. I can probably plan on spending the rest of the week dealing with resetting preferences and figuring out which macros no longer work. Just in time for the mean season!
But I'm warm and dry(ish) now and hopeful that this day will come down off its tight rope.
I'm also hoping some homeless person found my CTA card and spent the night riding a warm bus up and down Ashland. Or something. At least.