I guess I can't seem to focus on one thing long enough to make an entire paragraph on a subject lately. So hm. Let's just go stream of consciousness, shall we?
michigan ave
We spent our afternoon at the Genius Bar. The battery on my 1 yr old mac book crapped out this week. Fortunately they gave me a brand new battery. Thank goodness for apple care. I had mixed emotions about hanging out in the apple store that long and not finding anything I wished I could buy. Good in the sense that I've gotten over any sort of "gotta have it" bug most people suffer from, and kind of bummed in the sense that hanging out in the apple store was boring. I felt like an 8 year old boy waiting for his mom to try on clothes in a department store. There weren't even any racks to hide in. Wanted to leave.
playing dress up
Oh here's something that wasn't boring: Last weekend my mom and I went out together to try on princess dresses. Even though we're going to try to make our own wedding dress, trying them on is like a rite of passage. You're absolutely not allowed to do it until you've got a ring. So yeah, I had fun with all the strange girdles and under things that go under the fancy dresses. And I liked standing on the little pedestal at the bridal salon. Fun to put on a veil too, even if it made me feel like I was dressing up for a first communion more than a wedding. I'm pretty happy with myself for preferring a $200 dress over an $1100 dress. To me I think the biggest difference between the expensive & inexpensive dresses is amount of fabric & overall weight. I swear you could probably sleep outside in a snowstorm in one of the expensive ones I tried on. Here is one that I liked but will not be buying:

Something like this would require a $40,000 wedding to go with. I think. Oh but pickups are so fun! They make the dresses look like cakes!
Anyhow, yeah, the dress we make will not look like a cake, and will not make dudes feel stupid if they decide not to wear a tie to our wedding. At least that's my hope.
Man I ate too much pizza today. Ugh.
homework before video games
I'd really like to get myself moving on grad school but I'm not sure which one I'd like to go to and frankly everything else seems like so much more fun than studying for the GMAT right now. While I know that if I want to get it over with before I start thinking about having or adopting a baby, I'm still finding it to be so much more fun to play video games. I got Sims Pets. Oh man. So much trouble.
Speaking of babies, Whisper got us this little gift for us which she was going to give us as a wedding present. But knowing that our wedding is still 1.5 yrs away, she didn't trust herself not to lose the gift and gave it to us early. Here it is (they are) on Fannie, who is sitting in for future babies in this photo:

all thumbs
We Netflixed the 2003 adaptation of "Even Cowgirls Get the Blues" and watched half of it last night. Man is it ever a crappy film. I have a hard time sitting through movies as it is, but this one.. geez. Painful. I don't think we'll be watching the rest of it.
the hard way
I guess it's earth hour right now. Zach is giving the dog a bath in the dark. I also guess that means I shouldn't be on the computer. dang it.
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