Allo. Happy Saturday.
Today was spring shave down day for our little lamb. This morning I dropped her off at the groomer.

And went for a walk around the neighborhood. I stopped at the last ever homo yardsale. Got some good cds. Mostly old Cure and REM that I've only had on cassette until now. There was also tons of Madonna, if anyone's in the market.

Then I went to the bank to get some rolls of quarters for laundry, but that's not worth a picture.
Flower shop. I like these white things on sticks. Dogwood. I think I'd like to use those for our wedding. We like sticks. Sticks with flowers are even better. Dogwoods. I wonder if they're seasonal.

Also taking a lot of pictures of dormers. Shed dormers, cape cod dormers, triplet dormers... There is a house we want to buy, but only if it's possible to add dormers to the roof. Considering every house like it in the neighborhood seems to have had dormers added to the roof at some point, I'm thinking it's GOT to be possible, and probably not too outlandish in costs, as so many others before us have gone this route.


Non? That one seems like an incredibly stupid idea. Why make three?
This kind seems to make the most sense, and is what I'd like to ask the architect about:

No bumping heads with a shed dormer like that, right? Hopefully the answers come quickly and easily.
By day's end, dog was 10lbs lighter & is real happy to be back on mah bed:

How cute is that thing? Really!