Friday, October 25, 2013

So sometimes I get bored and I rub my belly or poke at it to try to wake baby up.  Is that mean?

Sunday, October 6, 2013


And you are a boy!  Just like I've been telling everyone from the week I knew you were coming.  Gosh all that buildup from my last post has me feeling like I need to write something describing my thoughts now that we know you are a he. But I dunno. I guess it's just like I got proof. And so now we continue on with a little more direction on what things to bring home for you.

Today I got you your first book.  It's Olivia Forms a Band.  It's used.  I hope you don't mind. I expect you won't, and you'll probably get a lot of used things if I keep my head about me.  And I also got you your first stuffed animal.  It's a Snoopy.  All proceeds go to children's medical needs and schools, so it's an extra good Snoopy.

So now you have 3 possessions: A book, a Snoopy, and a string of elephants.  I think that's a good start.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Lenny or Lennie

Dear Baby,

Today is the very last day you are an "it" to us. Tomorrow, if all goes right, we find out if you are a he or she. And I am freaking terrified. And I don't know why. I feel like it's going to be the most important day of my life some how. And I don't even think I have a preference! I mean, either way I will love you. And either way your little personality is already there so it's not as if tomorrow's outcome is going to change any fate.

But tomorrow things are to become so certain. I bet part of the reason I'm freaking out is that I've been taking comfort in the "what if's" of not knowing. Like maybe I'm liking this illusion of less pressure while you are still just an idea and not a unique person to me yet. 

I'm worried about what my reaction is going to be. What if, even though I don't have a preference, I'm disappointed? What if I suddenly realize I have a preference?  

Ugh. I'm fully aware that I'm being ridiculous. This all really shouldn't matter. Especially since I'm pretty sure if I think we'd want to raise one of each we'll be covered because our plan is to adopt for round two. What would it matter which gender child is the genetic offspring?  Either way the experience is gonna be awesome and eye opening. 

I'm just an insane control freak, and now I'm gonna go to sleep and have crazy vivid pregnancy dreams about gender results all night long. 

Ps- right now you are kicking me like crazy and it's really cute. Like you're trying to say "Mom! I'm real, damn it! And I'm a _____!!"

Till tomorrow...